Maddix Dance Studio
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About Us

Established in 1949 by Jeanne Maddox Peterson, Maddox Dance Studio strives to offer you the highest quality in dance education! My faculty and I extend a warm welcome to you and your families into our wonderful world of dance!

dance classes in OregonOur Philosophy and Mission
Personal attention and analysis of a student’s abilities, progress and achievement are all important factors in the successful training of a dancer. Dance training develops self-esteem, listening skills, discipline, physical fitness, musicality, responsibility, respect and many more qualities, that last a lifetime.
View our Mission Statement here

PHOTO:  Student Abby Z poses en pointe at the old Battery Russell, an Army installation on the Oregon Coast during WW2. History tells us that the Japanese actually shelled it ... from a submarine!

“If you can think, feel, move ...
                           you can dance!”


Annual Events

Recital - All Students will be presented on stage in costume at the Astoria High School in Astoria, Oregon. See Calendar for dates.

The Nutcracker is an annual gala holiday production, including professional guest artists, over 100 local dancers, nearly as many volunteer staff, and a professional 50 piece orchestra. Our Nutcracker has been featured nationally by NBC’s Today Show and has been invited to perform in Pendleton with the Oregon East Symphony. The three traditional holiday performances are the jewel of North Coast holiday events.

The Young Choreographers Concert and Tap Showcase is a yearly show held each Spring featuring our Little Ballet Theatre company members in a fully staged showcase. The event begins with an adjudication of the original works of the students, by a panel of dancers and teachers from out of the area, offering constructive criticism based on appropriateness of the music for the skill level of the dancer, choice of costume, stage presence and originality. One week later, at the historic Liberty Theater in Astoria, they are presented in a public appearance. Their numbers may also be performed throughout the spring season in various community shows as opportunities become available. The tap showcase is a salute to the tradition of tap dance, and a tribute to National Dance Week. Dancers from our studio are joined by tap dancers from others throughout the Northwest. A highlight is the Audience Participation Tap Class on stage. The show traditionally concludes with a group number, The Shim-Sham. The Liberty Theater is alive with the sounds of the many tapping feet!


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Maddox Dance Studio
389 S. Main Street   Warrenton, OR  97146
(503) 861-1971

Contributing Photographers: James Olson, Jerry Olson, Don Thompson

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